Extra 20% Off adidas End of Season Sale

There is still time to take advantage of adidas’ End of Season Sale! With the sale running until Tuesday, June 30th, you will be able to knock off another 20% off already low sale prices with code: EXTRA20. This is the best time to shop for Men, Women, & Kids as this sale will not last long. I’ve gone ahead and ordered my daughter some items for school and just put them up until August. This will give me the best deal on adidas and save a little coin in the process. There’s nothing like ordering some new clothes, stashing them in a good hiding spot, and then coming back to that hiding spot a couple months later and finding your stash that you had forgotten all about. I did that after I was able to Save on Kids’ Products at adidas.com’s End of Season Sale.  I’ve attached some of my favorite adidas items below.

Funny story, the other day I showed up to my first game of kickball with some new adidas cleats I had bought the same day from adidas. It had been raining for 40 days and 40 nights here in Texas, so I thought I was being smart with metal cleats. I was running around the field like a crazy idiot trying to slip on my ass, but I wouldn’t fall. These metal cleats were the real deal. I was all feeling like I was the man and with these cleats, I would take down the other team. I’m not even sure if any one else was on the field, but this man and his metal cleats. Well, it turns out that metal cleats are illegal in the co-ed world of kickball. The ref was alerted of my style and approached me. He informed me that he could not let me play in these, but I could wear other shoes. Well all I had were my adidas slides, so I offered to play barefoot a la Shoeless Joe Jackson. The ref allowed and I played the rest of the game with no shoes and red dirt feet. We won.


Be a badass and get your adidas gear now while you can save 20%. Use code: EXTRA20.



As spring rains turn to summer sun, adidas is heating up their End of Season Sale. Between 6/17 and 6/30, you’ll be able to save up to 50% off at adidas.com! 

I remember growing up listening to Run DMC and wanting to look as cool as they did. How do I get to be that cool? Could something as simple as a pair of Adidas shoes make the statement I needed and boost my local popularity? Probably not, but it never hurts to try. I mean we all wanted to fit in and be like the cool kids. I had me some Pro Wings tennis shoes. I believe they sold those bad boys at Payless Shoesource. Something like that. I can remember going to a dance at Young Junior High and wanting to look real good, so I had my father run me up to the Payless. Of course, like every other shopping experience these days, it was a bust. Why? Well because they didn’t have what I wanted and I was left, yet again, settling for some crap that I didn’t really even want. Maybe that’s why I hate Payless Shoesource now. My mother says that “hate” is a strong word. In fact, I say that same thing to my daughter. Like my daughter says, “it fits” in this instance.

Anyway, I can dig a good pair of Adidas. As a grown man, I’ve developed quite the fetish for shoes. Not so much feet. Just mainly shoes. I’m kind of a whore for shoes. I like keeping my old shoe boxes and popping the shoes back in them at the top of my closet. It looks way cooler than organizing with overpriced plastic from the Container Store.

When I saw that you can save on Stan Smith shoes, Supernova Climachill tees, Techfit Training tights, and much more, I went bananas and ordered myself some more shoes. Now you can Shop adidas’ End of Season Sale and get your workout on in style. Maybe you don’t workout or maybe when you do, you don’t workout in style. I’m not judging you. I really think it’s a toss up of which one is better for me. I cannot decide if working out or if being in style is better. What if I could only do one? Shoot, I think I’ve have to workout. I’m all about that nutrition and would rather see myself in those Pro-Wings from Payless than my gut overlapping my drawers. I’ll write some soon on nutrition just in case you want to know what I know about how to feel great in my clothes everyday.