Phillip Vanarsdel - Solutions Provider

Continue to change and you will always evolve

Continue to change and you will always evolve
In Life

Today what’s on my mind is my daughter. As a father a loving father I go through periods of time when I wonder am I good enough or have I meant toward my daughter enough how to have I told her enough that I love her have I showed her the way to treat others properly I understand that my daughter is a representation of me and so I want her to be the best that she can be not only to represent me but also to represent her as she grows up and comes into her own and becomes a woman. Everyone has their own theory on how to parent a child how to parent a son how to pair and a daughter a lot of their opinions are based on how they grew a lot of them swearing that they would do things differently. A lot of them saying that they love their childhood and promising to make their child’s childhood the exact same way as if that was the best it was ever going to get for them. I like to take a different approach I like to be better than I was yesterday so I take that same approach when raising my daughter. I constantly learn from various ways. Be at the Internet be at a book be at another parent. If we don’t continually evolve then how can we expect anything to get better. We must continue to do things better than we did them yesterday in order to see the results that we covet. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Most of this fucking world is insane. I too can be insane at times but I try my best to evolve. I constantly look around and watch parents as they parent their children. I watch so I can learn the things not to do. I’m a bit uppity in the sense that I don’t think that most parents are doing it correctly. But then again am I doing it correctly? I think a healthy dose of second-guessing yourself as a parent can be good sometimes. I know that it keeps me on my toes. Question this. Question that. Always a question. Question it. Analyze it. Change it. Continue to change and you will always evolve.

Dictated but not proofread.