Over the past few years, I’ve had quite a few people ask me how I do what I do. How do I consistently evolve my body and mind even as I get older. They want to know how to always stay on top and continue to be a bad ass. I’m not perfect, but I am willing and able to change. To continue to getter better, you must be willing to change. Learning how to kick your own ass is awakening and tough. It’s not for the faint hearted. It’s not for the chicken shits and down doggers. If you’re new to this, there are usually some big changes to make immediately and then it’s all about fine-tuning yourself as you see fit. There is always room for change. I see that and I live by it. With people asking me how I do this or how I became the man than I am, I decided to write about it. If it’s important enough for people to see it from me, it’s important enough to write about and tell others. Perhaps in the process I can help myself be a better myself while helping others help themselves.
As you read my various blog posts and tips on How to Kick Your Own Ass, understand that there is not a fix all. This is not something that you will be able to change one thing and be bad ass. We are all a work in progress. You’ve got to understand and accept that before you can even change. No one is perfect. We’re all capable of change and we all depend on change. Without change, you will not evolve. If you do not evolve, you will stay in the same place and will limit yourself. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If you’re wanting to be insane, there are other places you can go to do so. If that is your quest, this blog is a waste of your time. Feel free to move along now. There is nothing for you to see here.
If you’re interested in change and becoming a better you, well you’re in the right spot. I, Phillip L. Vanarsdel am on a constant quest to be a better man. I constantly question my own motives and actions. I ask myself why I do what I do. I fine tune myself on a daily basis to help myself be better. I want to be a better person. I hope in me writing about How to Kick Your Own Ass: A Guide to Being a Better You, I can uncover more ways to be a better person. I have many goals that I put off because of my procrastination. This blog is one of those goals.
Do you realize that if I would have started this blog a couple of years ago when I first thought of and procrastinated the idea, I could have been creating income with this blog large enough to pay my mortgage payment? My procrastination pisses me off when I think of instances such as these where I could have put my family in a better financial situation if I would have just got started right when I thought of getting started. Understand though, I have so many ideas daily that I would not be able to get anything done if I acted on every one of my new ideas. It’s tough to figure out where you should put your time and I hope to learn more about that during this self-building process that I will continue to blog about. Perhaps in 2 years from today, I will be able to write and speak a hell of a lot better while my mortgage is being paid because of it.
My goal for this blog is first and foremost, to become a better person overall. In turn, I hope to become a better writer and speaker because of this blog. As I become a better man, I hope for my readers to do so too as I write and provide the tools of knowledge to help you open your mind to change. I hope to meet more people in my quest to streamline the inside of Phillip L. Vanarsdel. I hope to hear people living a happier life because they were able to accomplish something new or get rid of some heavy baggage they’ve been carrying around for too long because you didn’t know how to let it go. You will learn things from letting go of things that do nothing for your mind to learning how to stop procrastinating. I will also let you know how to get into a routine of taking care of yourself physically with how to workout and how to eat. These things I want to know more about too, so you get to learn with me. I’ve got so much to say and I hope that you all will help me as well. I would love to hear what makes you tick. What gets you up in the morning? What keeps you motivated? I want to stay motivated throughout the entire day and not just right after my morning run. Perhaps I need an afternoon run as well to kick that afternoon motivation into high gear.
Those are just a couple of quick thoughts that I have about becoming a better me. Together we will explore these questions and more. I hope to see you on this journey to become a better you and I hope to lead by example as I become a better me. Stick around and you will learn How to Kick Your Own Ass and become a better you.
Next Up in Learning How to Kick Your Own Ass:
Stop Procrastinating